First Communion preparation is a two year Faith Formation program
The first year is for children first grade and older.
Within this first year children begin learning in community and are introduced to the basics of our Catholic Faith. (The first year may have been completed at another parish. You will need to provide the parish name and contact information.)
The second year is for children second grade and older.
Within this year, children will focus on the Church’s teachings specifically pertaining to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
NOTE: Children must be baptized prior to entering the second year of the program.
If your child has not been baptized, or was baptized into another Christian faith,
please contact the parish office.
Faith Formation Classes are held weekly on Sunday mornings from 9:15 AM to 10:15 AM.
All of St. Francis' Children Faith Formation will participate in "Family of Faith Catechesis". As families are the basic building blocks of society, St. Francis wants to support their formation since this is where we first learn about God and learn to integrate our Catholic identity into our lives. Since parents are the constant in the lives of their children, it is sensible to include parents in the faith formation of their children empowering them to be spiritual leaders in their Domestic Church. This is particularly important as children prepare to receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist for the first time!
Children learn the Catholic Faith and live it in the home.
Strengthens bond of love and faith between parents and children.
Provides language for discussion of faith matters in the family and in life, especially as the child grows older.
Parents continue to grow and develop an authentic Catholic life of faith.
Family appreciation of all that the Church offers, including Holy Mass.
Flexibility for parents and catechists alike.
Children witness their parents engaging with the Faith as they collaborate on monthly lessons.
Our Family Formation: Our Parents will attend a workshop twice per month where they will learn about the topics to be covered throughout the month and how to engage their child(ren) in faith and life.
Parents work with their children throughout the month in discussion and activities that involve the whole family. They will also make time to engage the First Communicant in learning about the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.
Advisor support and/or prayer support will be available for parents whenever needed.
Candidates must be able to attend all classes, required activies, as well as complete all course work/assigments. (NO MORE THAN 3 EXCUSED ABSENCES!)
Registration for these classes will be opening up in August of each calendar year. Registration will close in September of each year for Sacramental years only.
St. Francis values the formation of its parishioners, both young and old. We feel it is important that formation is easily accessible for all. Therefore, there is no cost to register for Faith Formation, including First Holy Communion, at St. Francis. Donations are always appreciated, but not expected.
If you have further questions, please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator: Alexis Mina at [email protected]