Children's Liturgy of the Word (4-7 years of age)
This ministry is for our youngest parishioners, children aged 4-7 years of age, whom are all encouraged to participate during the 10:30 AM Sunday morning Mass. If you like working with younger aged youth this is the ministry for you!
If you would like to assist/volunteer as a Sunday, Children's Liturgy of the Word catechist please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator:
Alexis Mina: [email protected]
Faith Formation (K-Confirmation)
This ministry is for those who would like to teach our communities children/youth during classes on Sundays (including regular formation years and sacramental prep. classes). If you love our faith and want to help share our church teachings with the next generation of K-Confirmation aged youth, this is the ministry for you!
If your are interested in serving as a catechist or volunteer during the Formation year, please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator:
Alexis Mina: [email protected]
Youth Ministry (Confirmed 8 - 12 grade youth)
This ministry is for those who would like to work with our 8th - 12th grade aged youth. Helping to encourage, foster, and grow their faith. Let us keep our youth on fire with their love of God.
If your are interested in serving as a catechist or volunteer for our Youth Ministry, please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator:
Alexis Mina: [email protected]
RCIA (Right of Christian Initiation of Adults)
This ministry is for those who want to come into full communion with the church. Those who have been away, those who want to know more about our Church, and those who want to become Catholic. If you want to help evangelize and grow our community of the faithful this is the ministry for you.
If your are interested in serving as a catechist or volunteer for our RCIA classes please contact our Pastor:
Father Amal: [email protected] or call the Parish Office.
Adult Formation
If you would like more information on this ministry please contact: