Baptism Preparations
If you would like to assist as a catechist or prepare yourself or a loved one for Baptism.
Click here for more information or contact our Parish office (503)625-6185.
Communion to the Homebound
Homebound Ministry is a beautiful ministry where one will take communion to the sick at homes and in other facilities, once a week.
If you would like more information on how this ministry works or if you would like to become a Homebound Minister please concact:
Deacon Bill Bouldek: (503) 625-6185;
Is to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays and on special days. Getting the sign-up
sheet ready and making arrangements with the reading materials.
If you would like more information on how this ministry works please contact:
Adolff Eppich: (503) 519-9749
Marraige Preparations & Wedding Event Coordination
For couples looking to prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony or those looking to assit others on their journey to Matrimony.
Click here for more information or contact our Parish office (503)625-6185.
Anointing of the Sick
Also known as Last Rights, is a ritual of healing appropriate not only for those in immediate danger of death but also for those suffering from physical, mental, or spirtual sickness.
Click here for more information or contact our Parish office (503)625-6185.